Showbuddy Active and Petal Light system

Chat about Show Buddy Active lighting & video control software
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Showbuddy Active and Petal Light system

Post by Midiimport »

This Petal light system looks really cool:

His version 1 used a DMXIS box. However his version 2 uses ARTNET and lots of fancy words I don't understand. He says he did this because the old DMXIS software didn't have enough DMX channels.

However Showbuddy can have 16 Universes which would be enough. Does anyone know what sort of modifications I would have to make to PETAL V2 to make it work with Show buddy?

On his discord the Learn designer of PETAL did say he's in touch with Mark Brown. So hopefully them two work somthing out. Because I think PETAL will blow up and it working with Showbuddy could be really good for Showbuddy.
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Re: Showbuddy Active and Petal Light system

Post by Midiimport »

To anyone else interested in using Petal with Showbuddy, Dan Brown (Showbuddy Author) replied via email:

"I believe the Petal controller uses Art-Net as standard, so Show Buddy Active is already fully compatible.

You would just need to activate Art-Net in "Configure Universes" and set "Node IP" to match the Petal controller:"

Thanks to Dan for his help!

When I get my Petal System and figure it out I'll update this thread for anyone else who wants to do the same!
Screenshot 2024-12-15 at 16.43.24.png
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