Adjust Tempo of existing track in Library

Chat about Show Buddy Setlist show control software.
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Adjust Tempo of existing track in Library

Post by oceanbluestudio »

Good Day,
Is it possible to changed the tempo of a track that already exists in your track library ?
The album version of these tracks are a little slower that I'd like to do them live and was wondering if this can be down within show buddy or will I have to bring the track into pro tools, speed it up and re-import the new version into Show Buddy.
Thank you in advance
Dave Brown [admin]
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Re: Adjust Tempo of existing track in Library

Post by Dave Brown [admin] »

Show Buddy Setlist doesn't have any timestretching ability, you need to modify the track externally, then drag the new audio file back into Show Buddy Setlist.

Just make sure the file name and parent folder are named identical to the existing track, and the new file will replace the old one. You then just need to tweak your cue positions manually to match the revised tempo.
Dave Brown - db audioware
Author of Show Buddy Setlist | Show Buddy Active | ArtNetMon
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