Light fixture going nuts?! What happened??

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Light fixture going nuts?! What happened??

Post by SandroCosta1 »

I've owned my DMXIS for several years now and love it, but I've never encountered this problem before and hoping someone can assist quickly.
I use my DMXIS program on my Macbook Air with your program and transmitter box part number 70570. I loaded my program, connected my box to the first light fixture/moving head and it was working fine, within a few minutes the first light fixture started moving in all directions and changing gobos and colors all on it's own, I selected several programs I've programmed and it was non-responsive.

I then disconnected the DMX cable from the light fixture and it stopped.. Plugged it back in and it started going crazy again!
I performed a hard shutdown on my laptop and DMXIS program, loaded everything back up and now it's not responding at all.. :(

Please help, I'm not sure what's going on and have shows coming up this week!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Dave Brown [admin]
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Re: Light fixture going nuts?! What happened??

Post by Dave Brown [admin] »

When your light starts misbehaving, what is the state of the 4 LEDs on the DMXIS box? How many are on, and are they solid, flashing or flickering dimly?

Does the software say "Offline - connect your DMXIS box" or is the activity LED in the software flashing normally?
Dave Brown - db audioware
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Re: Light fixture going nuts?! What happened??

Post by SandroCosta1 »

Hi Dave,
The lights where the USB cable connects to the DMXIS box are solid, 1 says USB power and 1 says ISO power.
There is a flashing light on the opposite side which I believe has always flashed and that one sits in between the 5 pin and 3 pin connector.

I'm planning on connecting it to another moving head this afternoon and see what it does from there.
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Re: Light fixture going nuts?! What happened??

Post by BigJD »

Bad dmx cable symptoms
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