All works great, except when I make a cue to tilt all of my 6 units in the faderbank in Show Control - it snaps to a value instead of giving me all possible values as the fader moves. Was suggested that I need to change the 'Tilt' function in the fixture profile from the 'Pan/Tilt' category to the Dimmer category. When I did this, the Tilt slider went from being near the bottom of the screen in Programmer, to the very top parameter, and the actual Dimmer slider went down to the bottom. Not such a bad thing, but is a bit strange. Also, there was 'Red' slider just under the 'Tilt' slider at the top - possibly made a typo in the fixture editor? Not sure what was going on there.
Unable to check it for a week and half, as away from my venue til then. Still keen to update my programming though, so need a working fixture profile for that to happen. I'd rather go back to my working profile of course, and just change something on D-Pro to get the Fader working the way I'd like it to.
Keen to know how to get that slider working properly. Otherwise my profile worked perfectly (Chauvet COLORBand PiXM ILS - 36ch FIXED1 by RyanMcRobb - if anyone cares!)
2. In the process of importing my edited Fixture profile, I was getting this message:

I figure it was because I was re-importing many of the same fixture modes within the profile, but still, it halted the import process and was annoying. Shouldn't happen.
3. Also, Ii noticed when I re-imported the fixture profile with new added fixture modes, it saved them in two different 'piles' - not a big deal at all, but probably not the intention. (No big deal! Thought it's worth mentioning)
4. Last time I was editing fixture profiles(making the above profile a few months back) - I had to add 10 x RGB channels. When I clicked to add the RGB Channels in the editor, two sets of RGB Channels came up. The issue with this was, the second set of RGB channels did not work. To make it work, I would add the RGB channels from the drop-down list in the editor, the editor would make two of them, and I would have to delete the last set of RGB channels te editor created. Only way it would work. Was annoying. Got there eventually, but not ideal.