Fixture Library - Where Is It ?!

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Dave Brown [admin]
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Fixture Library - Where Is It ?!

Post by Dave Brown [admin] »

An important nugget of information...
Show Buddy Active has its own private fixture library.
It doesn't use the DMXIS fixture library.

To install a new fixture file, copy it here:
  • Mac : /Library/Application Support/db audioware/Show Buddy Active/DmxLibrary
  • Windows : C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\db-audioware\Show Buddy Active\DmxLibrary
Dave Brown - db audioware
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Re: Fixture Library - Where Is It ?!

Post by LouN »

HI again I hate to pester but I really need Showbuddy to work in the next week or so, so I'm re-posting this question again here ( I have the same question in the thread regarding Apple Silicon Beta release). so I'm reposting the same question here in hopes someone might see it.

Hi, just getting set up with ShowBuddy Active on my M1 mini, it's running fine but I've been trying import some fixture files from the online library and have the following questions:
1) I've downloaded the fixture files ok, but from the information on the forum I read that I should be putting the files in the following folder: Mac :

/Library/Application Support/db audioware/Show Buddy Active/DmxLibrary

- this folder doesn't appear to exist on my Mac. I checked everywhere and nothing named ShowBuddy (other than the app) is anywhere on the Mac. I created my own folder path and put this file in it but ShowBuddy still doesn't see it when I go to import fixtures All of the included fixtures display properly when I use the visualizer window to import fixtures... so they must live somewhere.. just don't know where. I did a search on the entire Mac for some of the included fixture names and they don't show up....
2) I read on the forum that the new Beta version has a new 'dmx import' feature under <file> , I've downloaded the new Beta but I have no such selection under <file>. I tried to verify that I'm using the latest Beta but I can't find where I can check the firmware version (checked under 'help'). I tried 'check for updates' but that just takes me to the main download page.
So... I have the fixtures I need downloaded, just need to find out where to put them. Any help greatly appreciated!
Dave Brown [admin]
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Re: Fixture Library - Where Is It ?!

Post by Dave Brown [admin] »

You may be looking in the wrong Library folder. There are two - the global LIbrary and the user Library. To navigate to the global library where the fixtures reside:
  • Click Finder on the macOS Dock
  • Select Go > Go to Folder... from the main menu
  • Type /Library and press Enter (the leading '/' is important)
From there, navigate into Application Support/db audioware/Show Buddy Active/Fixtures
Dave Brown - db audioware
Author of Show Buddy Setlist | Show Buddy Active | ArtNetMon
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Re: Fixture Library - Where Is It ?!

Post by Jeffscott87 »

I am having the same exact issue! But on my Windows pc. I've got the files downloaded but there's no where to put them to add into the Showbuddy Library? I'm in desperate help myself. Can anyone help me solve this??
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Re: Fixture Library - Where Is It ?!

Post by Quentin »

As Dave lists above, the files go in:

C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\db-audioware\Show Buddy Active\DmxLibrary

I created a "my fixtures" folder and put all the profiles for my fixtures in there as it's simpler when adding fixtures. Some profiles were copied from the manufacturer's folder, others (on the cheapo Chinese fixtures) I wrote myself.
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Re: Fixture Library - Where Is It ?!

Post by Jeffscott87 »

Thanks, I was able to find it with Daves instructions. As a precaution I added my comment as well to show I was having the same issue just in case it didn't work for whatever reason.
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