SB Active “Master” fader not working

Chat about Show Buddy Active lighting & video control software
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Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2018 4:44 am

SB Active “Master” fader not working

Post by RhettMusician »

Probably a pretty simple fix but I can’t find it. I have SB active going with a custom fixture as well as video feed set up. The custom fixture does have the proper “D“ designation for red green and blue I have attached a photo of the .DMX file. But whenever I use the “master“ fader it’s only affecting the brightness of the video output and not the brightness of all of my RGB channels. Any ideas?

One other question: Once this is working properly, is there any way to prevent the master fader from affecting the brightness of my video output? I’d like it to ONLY affect the brightness of my dimmable RGB channels and not the video monitors.