Hello !
Is there a way to configure DMXIS VST so if it receives the lowest note from ch1, it's going to trigger bank 1 preset 1 and so on, this way we can use multiple banks at the same time, for different fixtures for instance, and trigger them at the same time ?
Is DMXIS even capable of triggering two presets from different banks at the same time ?
My problem is I have way more than 128 presets overall because I separate position/dimmers/colors with masks for each fixture, and I'd love to be able to create a bank for each fixture group and have 128 presets each, but I also really need to be able to change to different presets at the same time on different banks.
Is there a feature or workaround I don't know that would allow to do this ? I know you can use bank and preset in the same channel in the standalone version but I don't want to be fiddling with virtual midi channels, I'm already trying to circumvent the preset limit with OSC from ableton but it can be pretty laggy and unreliable at times.
Thanks a lot
Using Midi channels for banks and notes for presets
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:15 pm