Short Midi notes are not recognized - VST

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Short Midi notes are not recognized - VST

Post by Colasheba »

Hello everyone! :)

I'm currently using DMXIS and trying the demo of show buddy active atm, because I'm planning to use it in the future due to the stop of DMXIS support/production.

I'm using it to control diy LED-bars, wich are sometimes being triggered exactly to the rhythm of the drums in the songs I'm programming light for.
I'm doing this with the VST Plugin and assigning notes from piano roll directly on the corresponding fader of each Channel of each bar. (just 1 per bar - dimmer)
I believe, I can't do that with any other programm than DMXIS/Showbuddy/EMU.

Now I noticed, that some of the short 32th notes are sometimes not recognized by show buddy in it's VST.
Neither the faders or the preview are moving/showing anything sometimes.
In DMXIS i can see the faders move, everytime to every short note i'm programming. The LED Bars are working fine too.

I'm a bit sceptical, that I can't use show buddy the way I was using DMXIS but I can't try it with real light because it's blocked in the demo.

So is this just a limitation of the refresh rate of the UI, or is Showbuddy really Missing some of the notes?

I hope I was able to explain the problem properly!

Thanks in advance
Dave Brown [admin]
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Re: Short Midi notes are not recognized - VST

Post by Dave Brown [admin] »

The Show Buddy Active window (with visualiser) is more complex than DMXIS, and the UI refresh rate is lower by design.

However, the DMX data stream sent to USB interface or Art-Net is generated on a high priority thread with accurate timing.

In other words, you might see hiccups on the Show Buddy Active window when playing fast MIDI notes, but the actual transmitted DMX data is always being generated properly.
Dave Brown - db audioware
Author of Show Buddy Setlist | Show Buddy Active | ArtNetMon
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Joined: Thu May 18, 2023 7:33 am

Re: Short Midi notes are not recognized - VST

Post by Colasheba »

Thank you Dave!

That´s what i thougt too, but i wanted to be sure, before purchasing the programm!
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