Changing the fixture assignemnt for a group

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Changing the fixture assignemnt for a group

Post by zorpiedoman »

Today I started on building a second show for our theatrical rock opera, Man On The Hill. (

When we do a smaller theater we can't use as many fixtures and their placement on the stage is changed. Having invested 50+ hours building the initial light show for the big stage I was hoping to have a fairly easy time making a copy of that show and just changing things.

It was easy enough to move around and rename the fixtures in the fixture window, and I will be able to update all the cues and cuelists without too much work, but a sad stumbling block I came across was the inability to change the fixture assignments for a GROUP.

I created groups for different areas of the stage for the big setup and those groups were used in many of my cues. This project would be SO much simpler if I could just reassign the correct fixtures to the groups... then I would not have to change the cues at all!

But alas, unless I'm missing something, you cannot edit the fixtures assigned to an existing group.
Dave Brown [admin]
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Re: Changing the fixture assignemnt for a group

Post by Dave Brown [admin] »

Select the new set of fixtures you need. Click "save group", enter the existing group name, and click "Yes" on the message that appears:
Screenshot 2022-04-29 at 16.44.24.png
Screenshot 2022-04-29 at 16.44.24.png (38.33 KiB) Viewed 1166 times

Now all your existing cues will follow the newly saved group.
Dave Brown - db audioware
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Re: Changing the fixture assignemnt for a group

Post by zorpiedoman »

Awesome. Not exactly intuitive, but it works!

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