New user

Chat about Show Buddy Setlist show control software.
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Joined: Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:24 pm

New user

Post by Neil133 »

I ordered Show buddy this morning and have been and bought a new laptop. I'm having issues getting it to work on my Laptop. It seems ok on my PC but not on the laptop.
Also I've paid for the full,version but only the Demo version seems to be there. Is there a way to upgrade and put the licence number in?
When I try and open Show buddy on the laptop I get Error message #1005. and its asking me to uninstall it and try again. Which I've done numerous times.
Can anyone help?
Thank you in advance.
Dave Brown [admin]
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Re: New user

Post by Dave Brown [admin] »

Contact me at and I'll sort it out for you.

Edit : I've sent you an email...
Dave Brown - db audioware
Author of Show Buddy Setlist | Show Buddy Active | ArtNetMon
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